Finished up Sophie’s diamond and floral addition to her existing hip tattoo. Thanks so much Sophie! #pdx #floraltattoo #colortattoo #portlandtattoo #pdxtattoo #fusionink #chickswithtattoos #blingbling by Claire Westover | Dec 24, 2018 | Instagram
Started adding this diamond and floral design around Sophie’s existing hip piece (not mine). Thanks for sitting so well for this big piece Sophie, can’t wait for the color! #pdx #floraltattoo #diamonds #outlinetattoo #portlandtattoo by Claire Westover | Dec 16, 2018 | Instagram
Lined out this pretty sunflower thigh peace on the lovely @chelseakaybeauty. I hope your “year of the sunflower” is your best year yet!!! #sunflowertattoo #outlinetattoo #pdx #pdxtattoo #portlandtattoos by Claire Westover | Dec 16, 2018 | Instagram
More progress on this dragon cover up. Thanks Noah! #dragontattoo #colortattoos #fusionink #tatsoul #coveruptattoo #pdxtattoo #pdx #portlandtattoo by Claire Westover | Dec 15, 2018 | Instagram
Lined out what is the start of a lower geometric/mandala/roses lower half sleeve of Chris. Thanks Chris!! #mandalatattoo #portlandtattoo #pdxtattoo #linework by Claire Westover | Dec 4, 2018 | Instagram
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